Thursday, May 31, 2012

Building Progress 6

    As we head into the lab of the 9th week, there are only a few more physical modifications left. During this week, several improvements has been done in purpose of sloving porblems which had been detected last week.
    First, a small box filled with pebbles has been attached in order to balancing the floating force and the gravity of the seaperch. (Figure.1)  Currently there is only a rough paper box which is located in the middle of the seaperch, and the box will be cocooned by plastic bag and tapes. Paper box was selected because it is easier to fasten than other containers such as rigid plastic box. Since then, the weight of seaperch can be easily adjusted by adding or dropping pebbles.

Figure.1 Seaperch with weighs
       The second task is the shape modification of seaperch in terms of bionic shape. As it was stated in the proposal,our original goal was making the a fishlike seaperch as much as we can. The purpose to do so was reduing the influence of disturbance by fish school as well as other potential threatens. In stead of building an enormous seaperch equipped with series of protection, a much more simplified solution was used. (Figure.2)
As it has been shown in the figure, a black board was sticked in the front of the seaperch. The board was designed for blocking trash and weeds underwater, while the cartoon and safety eyewear was used just for fun.

Figure.2 one of the solution

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